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  • Creating A Topic From Calendar


    Although basic, this does work.
    1 > Start with the calendar. (ACP > My Apps > Calendar > Edit Calendar)

    2 > Under "RSS Options" , set "RSS: Enable" to YES.

    3> Set "RSS: Forthcoming Days" to the same as you have set for displaying on the board view (Tools / Settings > Calendar And Birthdays) "Show forthcoming events from today to [x] days ahead". It is important that these two match. In my case I have them set both at 14 days.

    3 > Back to the calendar settings again and set "RSS: Update Frequency" to 1440 (1 day)

    4 > Next set "Permission: Show Events" to make sure Guests can view events. This is needed for the exporter to work properly.

    5 > Go back to the main calendar management screen and click on the options to rebuild the calendars RSS export.

    6 > Visit your boards index page and click on the orange RSS icon. View the RSS and save the URL for later. This will be something like

    http://{Board URL}/forum/index.php?/rss/calendar/1-community-calendar/

    7 > Now visit the RSS import manager. (Forums > RSS Management > RSS Import Manager)

    8 > Validate your URL feed in the validate box. Make a note of the character set (in my case this was ISO-8859-1)

    9 > Next create a new RSS import. Fill in the information putting a description in and the saved URL and character set from earlier. Pick a forum / username for the import too.

    10 > Leave the "RSS Import Refresh" at 200 as the events will only be exported daily, x days in advance, depending on what you set. I also chose to set the "RSS Import Topic Prefix" to "[Calendar] " (note the space afterwards)

    11 > That's it! Be patient and do not run the calendar RSS cache or the RSS cache tools unnecessarily. It took it 14 days in my case (as that's what the events were set at) to begin to work but it does the job well.

    This was created by AndyF on various IPS modding sites

    Edited by NiftyWolfie

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